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Writer's picturePastor Valissa Moore

This Changed My Life

Define Humble! That's what I heard about 30 years ago in my prayer time with God.

During that time, I didn't like what I saw in the mirror. I wasn't pleased with how I was designed. I was dealing with low self-esteem, a lack of confidence, etc. ALL HIDDEN, very well.

Hidden beneath my makeup, very neatly done hair, self-designed, tailor-made outfits, unique shoes, etc., but spiraling downward.

I used words to describe myself with my inner voice. No one but me (and God of course) heard my thought life. It was filled with facts and lies.

I proceeded to define/describe what I thought it meant to be humble. It's the same definition found in the dictionary. The same one we're taught in school—having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's importance.

Then my life changed! Why? Because of the definition, the Holy Spirit gave me.

Holy Spirit said, "Humble is when you agree with God., Pride is when you don’t!"

When you say things about yourself that don't agree with the Word of God, you’re being prideful, not humble.

So, I started looking up scripture to see what God had to say about me.

The first place I started was Psalm 139:13-14.

In just those two verses-God said, "I made all the delicate, inner parts of your body and knit you together in your mother’s womb.

I realized I had hurt God by complaining and putting down what He created. Instead of complaining I should’ve been thanking Him for making me so wonderfully complex! Because His workmanship is marvelous!

God said when MY words begin to come out of your mouth, when you agree with what I say about you, THAT’S humble.

That day changed my life, my mind, and my mouth! Now, when I describe myself, I don’t speak lies and facts, I speak the TRUTH! I started using God’s words to describe/define me and haven't looked back.

I challenge you today to speak only what God says about you. It will change your life forever; I promise you that!

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